Our Teaching-Learning Methodology is interactive along with judicious use of labs, library, technology and the environment. This has enriched the process of learning and at the same time broken the monotony of “Frontal teaching”. We now follow the approach wherein we use Technology, Engineering, Science, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking.

Student Centered Approach
We concentrate first on the student’s aptitude, then on the skills and knowledge they need to acquire. We aim to give students a richer educational experience by recognizing every student’s talent.
Active Learning Theory: A Learning Tool
Multiple Intelligence’s research of GRG Institutions provides a new insight into Active learning. This approach allows students to develop competence in their weaker as well as stronger ‘Intelligence’s’: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Spatial, Naturalist, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal.

Project Based Learning
We recognise different ‘intelligences’ in students and help them to enhance their abilities through individual and group projects through Research work, Collaboration, Integration and Assimilation of Applied Concepts learnt and their ultimate culmination into presentation.